Yverick Rangom

Photo of Yverick Rangom

Assistant Professor Faculty of Engineering Waterloo, Ontario yverick.pascal.rangom@uwaterloo.ca


Yverick Rangom is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. His research focuses on material bonding in advanced and complex systems where the original function and properties of the materials are to be preserved, enhanced and complemented wit...

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Yverick Rangom is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. His research focuses on material bonding in advanced and complex systems where the original function and properties of the materials are to be preserved, enhanced and complemented with new advantageous properties such as increased mechanical strength or enhanced thermal properties. This research is currently targeted toward improving the performance of Li-ion, Na-ion battery electrodes, capacitors, and future solid-state batteries but it will be expanded to other systems. Assistant Professor Rangom is pioneering this multi-disciplinary field of research to foster new knowledge and know-how in the fields of chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering made to work at unison. His research is currently advancing the fast-charging capabilities of Li-ion batteries as it is believed to be a key factor for the mass adoption of electric vehicles.

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