Veronika Magdanz is an Assistant Professor in Systems Design Engineering since 2022 focusing on Biomedical Engineering.
She obtained her doctorate from the University of Dresden in 2016 for the development of sperm-driven microrobots performed at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and...
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Veronika Magdanz is an Assistant Professor in Systems Design Engineering since 2022 focusing on Biomedical Engineering.
She obtained her doctorate from the University of Dresden in 2016 for the development of sperm-driven microrobots performed at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW Dresden in Germany. Subsequently, she conducted research in metabolic and kinetic studies of sperm as well as sperm-templated microrobots at the Applied Zoology department of the TU Dresden. During her time as Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia she explored medical applications of flexible magnetic small scale robots and the 3D bioprinting of muscle tissue.
Her main research interest is in microrobotics for medical applications. This includes biohybrid approaches, such as harnessing functionalities of cells and other biological components for innovative solutions in medicine. Further, she works on the development of bioinspired artificial microrobots that are wirelessly controlled by magnetic fields.
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Rebecca (Becky) Elming
Director, Media Relations and Issues Management
(647) 459-8313